Sunday, November 18, 2007

ANOTHER ear infection....

Geez, I think that this kid is going for a record or something!! Yes, she has ANOTHER ear infection! Actually, I think that this is just a continuation of the last one in fact. The last doc only gave her Amoxicillin, which is kinda scary only because it kinda makes me think that she is becoming immune to the Amox. I hope that the Augmentin takes care of it! Thankfully she is back to her happy self now!

Danny is DEFINATELY well on his way to walking. He took 8 unassisted steps in a row today. Now granted, they were quite shakey and a little shuffly (read:looked like an old man) but hey, they were steps nonetheless! Man, he is such a happy little man too. SO easy going. And is he a little PARROT!! He copies everything that his sister says, it is so funny.

Speaking of Abby's talking, she has come leaps and bounds. She's putting 2 words together, and occasionally 3 here and there. If she wants something, it is "Abby baby?" "Abby chips?" "Abby keys?" or whatever else she wants. I have to say, now that she knows that she can communicate and get her point across with talking rather than whining, she is much better. So yeah, we are getting better with that. Oh, and MAN does this girl like to count! She counts EVERYTHING. "One, two, free!!!!"

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Abby's surgery is scheduled....

...for November 26th. Tubes will be placed! Yay!! PRAY that this will help her with her ears!

He took his first steps!!


For some reason, our kids like to take their first steps in Abby took her first steps at an art store. Danny, Hallmark. And mommy wasn't even around! Daddy called pretty much everyone he knew after that and had to tell them.

So yay Danny!! Keep it up buddy!!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

We LOVE Fall!! (Part 2!)

Apparently I can only post so many pictures, so here are some more! :)

We LOVE Fall!!

Well, we have to say that we love fall and all it's colors. As most of you know, I am a photography nut, so today we went out and took pics. I think that the kids are getting used to having a camera in their faces all the I love just going out and spending an hour or whatever and just playing with the kids and taking pictures. Here are some of the good ones we got today:

Easily Amused:)

I love that my kids are at the stage that they are easily amused. The other day, I was doing dishes and they were just in a MOOD. You moms know what I am talking about.... So I busted out some bowls, gave them some of the bubbles in the sink from the dishes and *POOF!* suddenly it was quiet! Well, except for the giggles!

Lotsa blogs!

Lots of stuff happened this week, and for some reason I can't figure out how to put pictures in the middle of posts, much less more than text between pics, so bear with me, there are gonna be a lot of blogs here recently!

Ok, so first things first, let's get the icky, bad news out of the way. Both of the kids are on antibiotics right now. Abby has another, yes, ANOTHER ear infection. I was down in the ER with her today. Poor girlie, I feel so bad for her. She has an appointment with the ENT doc (the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist) on the 9th in the morning, so pray that they will be able to help us! I just want her to be able to be without pain, ya know? I bet she doesn't even remember what that is like even more!

And poor Danny, he has bronchitis. I brought him in earlier this week because I was concerned because it just seems like both he and Abby can get the same cold at the same time and it takes him 3 times as long to get over it. Well, right before we left for Kansas, he was diagnosed with pneumonia and the doc that I talked to said that it takes 6-8 weeks for that to heal and we are coming up on week 6. We are to have an x-ray of his chest next week to make sure that everything is healing well and that he is ok. *Whew!* Glad to know that we are getting this taken care of.

As for Halloween, the kids had a BLAST!! Danny was my little fireman, and Abby was a little fairy ballerina. Danny of course was a little "ok whatever" about it, but Abby was entirely too excited about putting her "firefly" wings on! (Butterfly, for those of you non-2-year-old language speakers out there!) She loves getting all dressed up, and is a HUGE fan of dress-up play and playing with her dolls. She "rocks" her dolls now, it is so cute! But-back to Halloween!! We only went a block or so trick-or-treating, but man, they had so much fun! Then, just a few houses away, one of our neighbors had a toy firetruck that the kids climbed into and of course, given Danny's outfit, we had to take some pics!

Sunday, October 28, 2007


That's Danny's word. For EVERYTHING. Da! (A tree.) Da! (A Cheerio.) Da! (Daddy.) Da! (The cat.) Da! Da! Da!! Even when I hum him to bed at night, I "Da" to him. "Da-da-da! Da-da-da! Da-da-da-da, da-da-da!"

He's so darn cute though, that lil man. I just wanna squish him and his cute lil cheeks. It's amazing how much love you can have for someone that's only been in your life for 10 months! (Well, 19 if you really want to be technical!)

He's ALMOST walking, and I think that if he would let us try with him for a day or so, he would get it, but it's like as soon as he sees us both get down on the floor, he thinks that we should be there too. It's ok, as long as he is walking soon, it's ok. I'm in no hurry for my baby to not be a baby anymore, as it seems like this is the last "real" milestone before they hit toddlerhood, ya know? He's so sweet, laid-back, and such a good natured kid. I am one lucky momma.

My pretty, pretty Princess!

Well, I did it....I made my first item specifically for Abby!! Her first tutu!! YAY!! And I have to say that it turned out SPECTACULARLY!! I was very impressed by myself!! Can you tell she loved it??

Oh, and the tantrum!! You like that?! What a true

Friday, October 19, 2007

New teeth and doc appts

Each one of the kids are working on a tooth right now. Abby is getting her last canine (lower left) and Danny is getting his upper left tooth. So yeah, fun stuff. And on top of it, poor Abby has a terribly sore throat and an ear infection. Yes, another one. Needless to say, we are going to talk to the ENT (ear, nose and throat doc) soon to talk to them about tubes. Poor kid is having a hard time even hearing I'm sure.

I met the kids' pediatrician yesterday. VERY nice lady. I really like her. Seems like the very classic, no nonsense, very down to earth kind of grandma type doc. Love it.

I met my therapist today too. Very nice guy. :)

It's also been brought to my attention that people have thought that in my last post that I have been "homeless" in my life as in no place to sleep. I guess that I should have clarified and said that I have moved a lot....especially in the last few years and have been between homes and had to sleep in hotels and such. Make sense now?

Oh, and I got a new carrier for Danny and we LOVE it. It's a Moby ( and funny story.....we went to the store to try it on to see if it would work for us, and I get all wrapped up in it in the store. I walk over to get Danny, wrap him all up, let go, and no lie, he lets out the hugest, calmest sigh, like, ahhhh, I was *so* meant to be here! We went for a walk today in it, and he just sat in it and talked the whole time.....he LOVES it!! As soon as I stop, he gets all

Friday, October 12, 2007


While on the road, you have a lot of time to sit and think-well reflect really, as to a lot of things in your life. One thing that hit me was the fact that I have been homeless a LOT in my 29 years. Even more so in the last 4 years since I have married my husband and joined the army wife ranks. It's a blessing and a curse all in one, that army wife thing. You get to be a part of something pretty phenominal, somthing that not many people get to be a part of, something that is pretty upstanding, and at the same time, you have to give up so much. You have to be a single parent, you have to live knowing that your loved one is in harm's way every minute of every day. It's such an awful feeling, it really is. I mean, as a mom, it's hard enough sleeping at night, pratically waking at every sneeze, cough, or movement that your baby makes, and then add on the fact that your spouse isn't there. Yeah, ok, enough of that.....

Our move went quite well. We only spent one night at the hotel in Des Moines, and the kids did pretty well. Abby and Daddy had their own room, and Mommy and Danny got to snuggle together in their room. We had a bit of trouble with the moving truck, and ended up stuck in some poor farmer's corn field for about 2 hours while we were waiting for a mechanic. Turns out that we had a bad fuel filter-or so we thought. The next day, we had the same problem....the truck just wouldn't go over 40mph! We were starting to panic too because we had to be to Fort Riley at LEAST by 4:30 in order to sign for housing, otherwise it was going to be a mess!

So needless to say, we get to Riley, park the moving truck outside of post (because we would have had to spend more time getting a day pass and getting the truck inspected and everything) and Roland just jumped in the truck with us and we zoooooomed to housing, signed for the house, and went back for the truck. I dropped him off, and went back for the gate. The guy stopped me at the gate, and thought that we were terrorists!! LMAO!! I explained what was going on, and he still gave me a look like, "Uh huh, suuuuure lady!" Apparently Roland said too that the MP's were called out also while we were gone to check out the truck. Too funny.

And poor neighbor! Our second day here, she falls down the stairs and that is how I met her, in terrible pain at the top of her stairs. Turns out that she BADLY bruised her hip and ankle and was in pretty bad pain for a few days. Like I said, poor girl!

And then, as if our life could not get any more eventful in what, 11 days?! Poor Danny contracted some virus and had some massive gut issues for like a week, and then poor Abby had the pukes last night. Thank GOD Roland was home. I would have lost my mind. Really. I owe this man my life right now. He is my hero. Hopefully everyone is on the mend now. I am going to bleach my house from top to bottom tomorrow and wash everyone's everything. Wish me luck! lol

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Just the beginning!

Yup, here it is. The long talked about, and never done blog. Now you can keep up with us as much as I post! For now, here is a pic of my 3 loves:)

As of right now, we are in the process of packing to move back to Ft. Riley, Kansas so we are quite busy. We are to report there October 1st, so we are probably going to be leaving on the 30th. It is only a 9 hour drive, but as you can imagine that with 2 babies, we are going to be stopping quite a few times! We are hoping to make the majority of the trip on the first day (at least 6 hours) and then get the rest stomped out the next day. Wish us luck!