Saturday, November 3, 2007

Lotsa blogs!

Lots of stuff happened this week, and for some reason I can't figure out how to put pictures in the middle of posts, much less more than text between pics, so bear with me, there are gonna be a lot of blogs here recently!

Ok, so first things first, let's get the icky, bad news out of the way. Both of the kids are on antibiotics right now. Abby has another, yes, ANOTHER ear infection. I was down in the ER with her today. Poor girlie, I feel so bad for her. She has an appointment with the ENT doc (the Ear, Nose and Throat specialist) on the 9th in the morning, so pray that they will be able to help us! I just want her to be able to be without pain, ya know? I bet she doesn't even remember what that is like even more!

And poor Danny, he has bronchitis. I brought him in earlier this week because I was concerned because it just seems like both he and Abby can get the same cold at the same time and it takes him 3 times as long to get over it. Well, right before we left for Kansas, he was diagnosed with pneumonia and the doc that I talked to said that it takes 6-8 weeks for that to heal and we are coming up on week 6. We are to have an x-ray of his chest next week to make sure that everything is healing well and that he is ok. *Whew!* Glad to know that we are getting this taken care of.

As for Halloween, the kids had a BLAST!! Danny was my little fireman, and Abby was a little fairy ballerina. Danny of course was a little "ok whatever" about it, but Abby was entirely too excited about putting her "firefly" wings on! (Butterfly, for those of you non-2-year-old language speakers out there!) She loves getting all dressed up, and is a HUGE fan of dress-up play and playing with her dolls. She "rocks" her dolls now, it is so cute! But-back to Halloween!! We only went a block or so trick-or-treating, but man, they had so much fun! Then, just a few houses away, one of our neighbors had a toy firetruck that the kids climbed into and of course, given Danny's outfit, we had to take some pics!

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